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Connecticut Cybersecurity Center


Dr. John Chandy, john.chandy@uconn.edu, 860-486-5047

Center Description: The Connecticut Cybersecurity Center (C3) envisioned here broadens the scope of the focused initiatives that have been ongoing in recent years under the auspices of the VoTeR, CHEST, and CSI centers. C3 will envelop and extend the activities of the centers as shown in Figure 1 that illustrates the rationale and organizational relationships. Threats occur as a result of vulnerabilities in either the hardware or the software components of the information technology fabric. CHEST, as a center, is focused on vulnerabilities and threats revolving around the hardware abstractions. For instance, it focuses on hardware counterfeits, Trojan detection, backdoors, hardware tampering, hardware vulnerability analysis, side-channel attacks (and resilience) as well as hardware quality and reliability.


  • Up to $34,000 in stipend support (depending on financial need)
  • In addition to full tuition waiver and health insurance Focused program on academic career development
  • Open to PhD students working in the area of computer systems security
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degrees
  • Must be a US Citizen or permanent resident

Core Faculty

John Chandy
Laurent Michel
Benjamin Fuller
Alexander Russell
Amir Herzberg
Marten van Dijk
Bahram Javidi
Bing Wang
Omer Khan
Lei Wang
Walter Krawec

Research Areas

Hardware security
Voting system security
Physical unclonable functions
Data storage security
Secure processor architectures
Cloud computing security
Counterfeit detection and prevention
Network security
Supply chain security
Malware detection
Anti-reverse engineering and tampering
Authentication and access control
Side-channel analysis
Biometric authentication
Nano-tags for authentication
Optimization-based security
Cyber-physical system security
Quantum cryptography
Security for mobile devices